Meat: A Friend, Not a Foe
A new meta-analysis confirms what I’ve been saying for years: minimally processed beef has minimal to no impact on most cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk factors.
Almonds Don’t Have Breasts
Ages ago I learned a very important nutritional concept from Dr. Eric Serrano: The best type of milk to consume is breast milk; it’s what
Freshen Your Breath
It’s been said that “oral health is the window to overall health,” so don’t neglect your teeth and gums. The mouth is a perfect location
Leg Curls Done Light
You’ve been told that the hamstrings are predominantly fast-twitch fibers, so for years you’ve been training them accordingly: high loads, low reps, and explosive concentrics
Challenge the Establishment (Part 2)
If you’ve been spinning your wheels and going nowhere in your pursuit for optimal health and fitness, then stop! Doing something simply because you’ve been
The Evolution of a Personal Trainer
You’ve heard the classic story: He started in the mailroom and now he’s running the company! Personal training is no different than any other business
The TOFI "Skinny Fat" Syndrome
How many times have you heard your child say something along the lines of “but so-and-so eats junk food every day and they’re not fat?”
The Good and Bad of Adding Fat to Vegetables
There’s quite a bit of confusion when it comes to adding fat to vegetables. Can you cook spinach in bacon fat or melt butter on
What If I Didn’t Know CPR?
I just renewed my CPR certification this past weekend. Even though a CPR certificate is usually valid for 3 years, I have to renew it
How To Fix A Sagging Butt
When it comes to a firm behind, we all know the importance of a healthy diet, that is, a healthy diet of fiber-rich, nutrient-dense foods
My Favorite Coconut Snacks
My one true nutritional vice is espresso, or what our cleaning lady likes to refer to as “mud.” Every day I have a double espresso
Set Your Sights on my New Vision Formula
Grey hair, wrinkles, and a loss of muscle are all classic signs of aging. You can add vision loss to that list as well. I’ve
Relax Your Face When You Lift Weights
Take a look at Ben Johnson’s world record 100-meter sprint. Although temporary in the record books, his performance was outstanding! No doubt, Ben Johnson is
Lifting to Lawrence Welk
Focus on the exercise, not the music. As Randy Roach said in episode 28 of The World of Muscle, “You should be able to put
20 Principles to Success in Personal Training
I’ve been in the business of personal training for 20 years and during that time I’ve seen far too many trainers come and go. On
The Business of Personal Training and Beyond Seminar
If you plan to go to just one seminar this year, this is the one! It’s on the business of personal training, but this talk
Diabetes Gone in One Week
A couple in their mid-fifties came to see me earlier this month. They were both overweight and on a slew of medications, and they were