Meat: A Friend, Not a Foe
A new meta-analysis confirms what I’ve been saying for years: minimally processed beef has minimal to no impact on most cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk factors.
Statue of Liberty Squat
A single-leg squat is a rear-foot-elevated split squat done on a high surface like a bench rather than a step. It’s a great exercise to
How I Deal With My Nutritional Vice
People ask me all the time if I have a nutritional vice. I guess you can say that I have two, but I don’t consider
Bodybuilder Big, Powerlifter Strong
Can 10 sets of 3 get you just as much size as 3 sets of 10? In short, yes, but the type of hypertrophy you
A Great Way To Reduce Post-Workout Soreness
Without a doubt, branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) top the list of supplements to take during a workout. BCAAs have a host of research-supported benefits for
Are Great Athletes Born or Made?
There are many trainers that boast of their accomplishments with professional and elite athletes. They wear it like a badge of honour on their sleeve.
My Thoughts of the Functional Movement Screen
I was asked recently about my thoughts of the Functional Movement Screen (FMS). Although I do believe the FMS has some value, I don’t believe
Periodization for Bodybuilders: How to Plan Strength Training for Maximum Muscle Mass
If you’ve been in the muscle-building game for a while, you know quite well that you can’t stay on one routine forever. No matter how
Periodization for Athletes: How to Plan Strength Training for Maximum Performance
The famous adage “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail!” applies to strength training as it does to just about any other endeavor.
Sticks, Stones and Pink Dumbbells May Break Your Bones
Falls are the leading cause of death due to injury among the elderly (1). In fact, elderly patients are 3 times as likely to die
How To Achieve 20 Chin-Ups
The act of grabbing an overhead bar and pulling yourself up until your chin clears that bar is pretty difficult for most people. In fact,
Cardio Can Make You Fat
Q: I’m still very much confused regarding cardio intensity. One book says keep it low intensity (no more than 60% of maximum heart rate) and
The Leftover-Dinner Breakfast
With an overabundance of food readily available, we seem to have things backward today. Instead of greater energy and vitality, more and more people complain
How To Breathe During Strength Training
“Chin up… Chest out… Look straight ahead… Brace the abdominals… Grip the bar tight… Push the ground away through all four corners of your feet…
Training Log
When I first started as a fitness director at a commercial gym, this was the training log they used: I created a more detailed training
The One-Lift-A-Day Cure
I remember when I first starting lifting seriously in a commercial gym. My routine consisted of one body part a day. I would go to
Introducing The Naive Vegetarian
Everything works for a while and vegetarianism is no exception. Many people adopt a vegetarian lifestyle thinking that it will improve their health and longevity.
Dehydration Is Against The Law
If you’re a law enforcement officer, proper hydration is imperative. Even a slight state of dehydration can “impair” your ability to think and perform. Dehydration
Questioning The Russian Approach To Size And Strength
Q: In your article The Russian Approach to Size and Strength mentions “decrease the load by 5% each set” in one section while in others
Bodybuilding: Anti-Aging or Not? (Part 2)
With the right approach, bodybuilding can be one of the best things you do for your body, mind and spirit. In the video above, Charles
Bodybuilding: Anti-Aging or Not? (Part 1)
Muscle mass tends to decrease as you age beyond your twenties. You can counter the “wasting away” process though with bodybuilding. It’s one of the