The 70-Degree Incline Swiss Bar Press: A Safer Way to Build Strength
Using a neutral grip with a Swiss bar or log is a shoulder-friendly way to perform overhead presses. However, these large implements often require you
Three Exercises That Beat Boring Planks
The front plank is a popular exercise to promote core stability. Sure, it carries some benefits and there are ways to make it more difficult.
Superman Back Extension
A great antagonist movement for abdominal exercises like Ab 45s and the Reclining Field Goal is the Superman Back Extension. Do it on a back
Reclining Field Goal
I discovered this unique abdominal exercise about a decade ago in the e-book The Bodybuilding Truth by Nelson Montana. According to Montana, abdominal development is
Ab 45s
I first came across this exercise in the book Underground Secrets to Faster Running by Barry Ross. No matter how strong you think your core
How to Prevent a Long Night Without Sleep
Exercising too close to bedtime can mess up your sleep. It puts you in a sympathetic “fight or flight” mode when your body wants to
Chest and Back Superset
A “super” combo to finish off an upper-body workout involves the standing cable crossover and the bent-over dumbbell lateral raise. Do 3 sets of 15-20
Full Squats with Chains
Different strokes for different folks. I prefer high-bar, ass-to-grass squats. If you’re not used to doing full squats, you can use chains to lighten the
Wobble Board Push-Ups
Here’s a way to make push-ups more challenging. Place your hands on a wobble board with the feet elevated on a step and use a
Stop Scratching Your Shoulder Scab
If you constantly scratch the scab, you’ll never heal. That goes with any injury, but it’s especially true for shoulder injuries. You see, the shoulder
A Good Problem for a Personal Trainer
Over the past week I’ve run into a problem – a good problem, mind you – but a problem nonetheless. Four clients that I used
Paused Close-Neutral-Grip Chin-Ups (5 Sets)
Inserting a pause at the bottom of a chin-up is a great way to reduce cheating and increase the muscular demand. It also serves another
Personal Training for Couples (Part 2)
Meet Barb and Terry. This husband-and-wife tandem started training with me in November of 2017. They had different health histories and training objectives, but they
Personal Training for Couples (Part 1)
Meet Barb and Terry. This husband-and-wife tandem started training with me in November of 2017. They had different health histories and training objectives, but they
Personal Training for Couples
Meet Barb and Terry. This husband-and-wife tandem started training with me in November of 2017. They had different health histories and training objectives, but they
How to Speed Up the Healing of a Buckle Fracture
My son suffered a buckle fracture last week during karate and has to wear a splint for a month. We’re going to try to speed
My Thoughts on Intermittent Fasting
I worked hard for every ounce of muscle that I’ve built over the years and I’m not keen on losing any of it. That’s why
Periodization of Rice
Nutrition Tip: Go with white rice in the winter to put on size and strength, and then transition to wild or cauliflower rice as summer
A Deep Stretch for Your Chest
Horizontal adduction and internal rotation of the humerus are two of the primary functions of the pectoralis major muscle. To stretch this muscle, you would