Meat: A Friend, Not a Foe
A new meta-analysis confirms what I’ve been saying for years: minimally processed beef has minimal to no impact on most cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk factors.
Explosive Upper Body Warm-Up
Here is a sample clip from the Warm-Up To Strength Training DVD. Plyometrics can be useful prior to weight training if incorporated properly.
Keeping Up with Current Research (January 2017)
Research can provide golden information to health & fitness professionals. If you’re a personal trainer, here are some recent findings to help you get ahead
Tighten Up Your Physique
Inducing body composition changes in a beginner is easy. You get them to clean up their eating habits and begin exercising, and the body will
The Not-So-Famous DeLorme Scheme
If I asked what the most popular set/rep scheme in strength training is, most people would respond with 3 sets of 10 reps. It seems
Focus on the Cause of Disease
My role as a Clinical Exercise Physiologist is to promote health and fitness. I do not manage disease. That’s what medical doctors do. For the
Shower Less for More Vitamin D
If your goal is to build muscle, you better make sure that you have enough vitamin D in your body. One of the main functions
Do You Need To Use Viagra After A Workout?
One simple diagnostic that you often hear for males to gauge their testosterone status involves the morning erection. Basically, if you’re not waking up under
How to Wait Lift for Maximum Results
Not too long ago, I mentioned my client Arzhang who experienced a horrific fall in December of 2013, and through a lot of hard work,
The Problem and Solution to Childhood Obesity
The Problem… The Solution… Increase Physical Activity The Growing Rate of Childhood ObesityHow Long Do Your Children Watch TV For Each DayThe 30-Minute Digital Time
Meat and Nuts Breakfast for Kids
Charles Poliquin did the world a huge favor when he introduced the concept of having meat and nuts for breakfast. It’s one of the most
Our Top 10 Articles of 2016
Should The Knees Pass The Toes When Squatting? Learn how full squats can improve function, protect against injuries, and build more muscle. Foam Rolling and
Keeping Up with Current Research (November 2016)
Research can provide golden information to health & fitness professionals. If you’re a personal trainer, here are some recent findings to help you get ahead
Weight Gain Program
Question: I’m looking for a program to help a client gain weight. He loses weight easily, even without cardio, but he’s very strong and wants
Females, Chains, and Wave Loading
Weight lifting can have a significant effect on bone density, but only if the weights lifted are “significant” and are supported by the spine, not
Unilateral Training: Which Side First?
When you perform unilateral (one side at a time) training, the conventional thinking is that you should start with the weaker side while you’re fresh
The Hanging Bat Crunch
If basic abdominal crunches are too easy for you, here’s a version that you will likely find challenging. It’s called the hanging bat crunch, and
Should You Train When You're Sick?
Often the knee-jerk reaction when you’re feeling sick is to avoid physical activity and to rest instead. However, exercise may be beneficial in some cases.