The 70-Degree Incline Swiss Bar Press: A Safer Way to Build Strength
Using a neutral grip with a Swiss bar or log is a shoulder-friendly way to perform overhead presses. However, these large implements often require you
Neuro-Grip Push-Ups
Have you ever tried push-ups with Neuro-Grips? It’s like doing them on stilettos! Learn more about this neat tool at
Go from Zero to Hero on Chin-Ups
Chin-ups are difficult for most people to do, especially for females. The average number of chin-ups a female can do is zero. A lack of
Individualized Circuit Training
This circuit training workout was designed to target specific areas: Close-neutral-grip chin-up: lats in a stretched position Incline pronated-grip dumbbell press: clavicular fibers of the
Hanging-Band 90/90 Split Squat
Give the hanging-band 90/90 split squat a shot. This unique exercise will ramp up stabilizer activity from the core down, so check your ego at
Eat Breakfast Before Weight Training
This morning was the last med ball session of the year. Next week, I’ll transition to a strength and hypertrophy phase (i.e., the first phase
Boost Recovery with an Adrenal IV Drip
Here’s my heart rate variability (HRV) after having an adrenal IV drip yesterday. This is one of the highest HRV scores that I’ve ever had.
Back Barbell Step-Ups
When performing back barbell step-ups, find the proper step height first before playing with the load. Start with an empty bar and a low step
Semi-Wide-Stance Back Squats
Arnold Schwarzenegger and Franco Columbu used to experiment in the gym to find ways to fix weaknesses. One thing they discovered was that doing squats
70-Degree Neutral-Grip Dumbbell Presses
Here’s a way to decrease the stress on your shoulders during presses. Next time you’re in the gym, take a look at how people do
Lateral Raises with Two Resistance Tubes
Using elastic resistance during a lateral raise is a great way to overload the top range and thus place more emphasis on the medial deltoid.
How to Reduce Shoulder Stress During Presses
Yesterday we looked at a simple fix to decrease the stress on your hips during wide-stance squats and deadlifts. Today, we’ll look at a way
A 15-Year-Old Making Progress in the Gym
For several weeks now, 15-year-old Joseph has been working hard on hanging-band squats and assisted chin-ups. Friday night he was able to see what effect
Half-Kneeling Rope Woodchop and Reverse Woodchop
The half-kneeling rope woodchop and reverse woodchop are two exercises that work your obliques in a “spine-friendly” manner. Give them a shot!
Angles90 Pull-Ups with Xvest
The Angles90 grips are great for pull-ups, but due to a lower starting position, additional loading with a chin/dip belt may cause the plates to
Circuit Training for Fat Loss
Here’s a glimpse of my last workout. It’s a circuit training program based off a system I call Modern Muscle Moulding. You can read all
Try These 3 Moves In The Gym
Here are some interesting moves from this morning’s workout. The first one I call an incline Telle forward dumbbell raise. It’s a move I picked
A Breast Milk Alternative
Yesterday, Health Canada warned parents about the health risks of buying breast milk online. One ingredient to consider if you’re looking for an alternative is
Don’t Let an Injury Stand in Your Way
A few years ago I told you about Arzhang and his horrific fall off Mt. Aconcagua in Southern Andes. Through hard work and perseverance, Arzhang
The 30-Minute Digital Time Rule: Push-Ups
My son has become a wizard on digital devices. Give him an iPhone, iPad or iMac, and he’s right at home. Of course, I’m not
Interval Training for Children
When it comes to kids and exercise, it’s important to make it fun. My son loves watching a show on Netflix called Ultimate Beastmaster, so